Summit’s Schedule
Students learn in a flexible learning environment that is broken into blocks. Brain breaks (recess) are provided throughout the day when students need them- not when it is convenient in the schedule. The arts are woven in throughout the day into all disciplines. We regularly bring in local artists and musicians to share their craft and talents. Physical movement is essential to learning, health, and well-being. We get creative on how we do “gym class” by providing students daily opportunities to challenge their bodies tailoring to their interests.
Learning Blocks
Students spend their first 45 minutes in the morning in the word of God. They participate in bible studies, devotions, worship and prayer.
During the morning Skills block students focus on reading, writing, and math. Students will learn in teacher directed flexible groups. Historical and science topics will be woven into the literature.
Lunch Break
When the weather is above 45 degrees students will have the opportunity to eat outside and enjoy God’s creation.
During this 45 minute block of time students will study history, literature, art, and music
Expeditions Launch
Teacher’s launch the afternoon’s Expedition by providing objectives, goals, and direction. Expeditions are a fully interdisciplinary experience allowing our learners to draw meaning, purpose, and relevancy.
Expeditions are opportunities for the learner to engage in active exploration, investigation, and discovery. Students will participate in inquiry based projects that work towards the larger goal of answering a central question, solving a problem or meeting a challenge.
Studio Maintenance
All students are expected to help clean the studios and learning space. God blessed us with the opportunity to rent space from Cedarbrook Church. It is our responsibility to show our gratitude by taking care of the spaces that we use.
Closing Circle
Students and staff conclude the last 15 minutes of the day.